Friday, June 29

Hero Day

Join Kate Hill at the New Concepts Publishing reader loop on Saturday, June 30th for the Heroes Theme Day.

There will be excerpts, a contest or two, and Vampiress Bo will be interviewing New Concepts Heroes. Kate will be posting excerpts and hero interviews from 12pm to 4pm EST and New Concepts authors will be stopping by throughout the day.

Watch for visits, excerpts, or hero interviews from:

Amy Gallow
Catherine Stang
Dani Harper
Donna Grant
Donna McAteer
E.A. Petrick
Janet Lane Walters
Jennifer Colgan
Marianne Lacroix
Meagan Hatfield
Penelope Marzec
Shelley Munro
Sherrill Quinn
Shirley Martin
Sue Kelley
TJ Killian
Tracey Kitts

Thanks and hope to see you there!

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