Wednesday, April 11

Question Wednesday

Each person has their own idea of what is romantic and what isn't. For some women, just having a man hold the door for her is enough. While other women need the wine and roses and candlelit dinner.

I'm a romantic (never figured that, huh. lol) and my husband is as well. I got lucky in that department, and I can see that what my husband and I do is already shaping our children to be romantics. Its so cute when my four year old son tells his daddy that "we must get out the candles for dinner because Momma has had a bad day". How cute is that?!

It really all started with my eldest brother who used to tell me a true gentleman always held the door for a women and my date should always walk me to my door or he wasn't worth my time. My brother was so right. He was a true gentleman and though he never found his perfect wife, he did shape me and what I saw in men. For that I will always be grateful to him.

So, what is your definition of romantic? Do you need the full blown romantic night, or is just being with yours significant other enough?


Kelly Boyce said...

The whole dinner, flowers thing for me doesn't do it. You know what I find romantic? Reliability. Knowing that a guy does what he says and says what he does. That will get me every time.

principessa said...

A man who is sincere,storng minded, dependeable and always there for you no matter what and regards you as his soulmate.

Unknown said...

I like to have the all out romantic nights every now and then, but I'm quite happy just having lunch with him and having little things here and there like the random flower picked for me on the way over. I find that's much nicer than trying to get all fancy only to have it rain or be super cold (which is what has happened the last few times we even attempted).

Donna Grant said...

I agree, Kelly, dependability is a must for any relationship to last.

Donna Grant said...

sounds like a perfect romantic, principessa. :)

Donna Grant said...


You might want to tell Jason to check the weather forecast next time. :)

But yes, I agree, sometimes its just spending those quiet moments together having lunch, watching a movie or even taking a drive, that mean so very much