Thursday, March 1

Where's the Pause Button?

Is it just me or does time always fly by when you've got a million things to do and only an hour to do them in? Where did yesterday go? I look at my To-Do list (yes, I make lists - no laughing) and I see all the things I got to scratch off.

Yet, for everything I scratched off, I added another two. Now, I'm ok with that for the To-Do list for the house, but not my To-Do list. I mean, come on, let me feel as if I've accomplished something.

I didn't even take a break for lunch. I was at the computer all day - literally. I stopped to let the dog out, teach pilates in the morning, drop kids at school, pick kids up, fix dinner, and then put kids to bed.

Maybe today I'll get more stuff marked off while not adding anything. ::shrug:: Its something to shoot for atleast. :)

BTW, I've been invited to participate in another blog with some incredible authors. Check it out Romantic Erotica Writers. Mari has a really good aritcle up today.

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