Wednesday, March 21

Question Wednesday

I thought we'd try something different on Wednesday. Every Wednesday I'll pose a question to you, the readers.

I had someone ask me the other day "Why romance?" So, I'd like to know, why do you read romance?

I read it because I need that Happily Ever After, that good will overcome evil, that two people can have problems and work them out, that two people can indeed stand by each other when others have left them. There are so many reasons that I read romance, but the biggest reason is the LOVE. It does conquer all, after all. :)


Kelly Boyce said...

I read romance because I love reading about relationships and I like the HEA you get as well. To me the depth of the relationship and recognizing it for what it is is always a thrill of a read. And the characters are amazing!

Jolie Mathis said...

I love watching the "chase", and seeing how it will play out. The more conflict, the better!

Unknown said...

Well, of course I first started reading it b/c if I didn't, what kind of friend would I be if I didn't read your first book out?! Now I read them b/c they have love and relationships along with a story that other types of books can't give you. Plus they tend to make me happy, where the other books I read don't really give that feeling. Not to mention I'm hooked to certain series! ;)

Donna Grant said...

Those are great answers, ladies! :)