Wednesday, March 7

March Interview - Day Three

Goodness. I nearly drowned in the emails yesterday. The questions pouring in for Lucian are the most I've ever received. Thank you so very much! So, without further ado (I just love saying that!) lets get this party started...

DG: Good morning, Lu... ::trails off as Lucian sits down - bare chested::

Lucian: ::a wicked, knowing gleam in his eyes:: And a good morn to you as well, Donna. You said something about questions?

DG: Questions? Oh, questions! ::drops papers and bends to pick them up while trying to keep her eyes off Lucian's muscular chest:: Right. Questions. ::clears throat:: Ah, Cathy would like to know what the tattoo will look like.

Lucian: ::chuckles:: I knew that would be one of the questions, so I came prepared. ::leans forward and turns so that his left shoulder faces outward:: The design is very intricate and will start at the top of my shoulder.

DG: And the color?

Lucian: Black, of course.

DG: ::rolls eyes:: of course.

Lucian: The design is a series of knots much like the Celts had, but a little different since its Fae knot work. There is also what you would call scroll work, for lack of a better word.

DG: Ah. Almost tribal then.

Lucian: Tribal?

DG: Never mind. Its from our world. Go on, please.

Lucian: The scroll work and knot work are intertwined and come together to make what is known as the symbol of Drahcir.

DG: It sounds beautiful, but hard to picture without seeing something.

Lucian: This I realize, and though I would much love to show you the symbol, that I cannot do. If you ever do see the symbol of Drahcir, its because you are destined to be at Drahcir.

DG: Fair enough. So, you don't wear your symbol as the Fae do?

Lucian: Not on our clothing, nay. In Drahcir, our symbol is everywhere and on everything from our homes to the scabbards of our weapons to the saddles on our horses. It isn't taken out of Drahcir unless absolutely unnecessary.

DG: ::takes a deep breath:: Next question. This one is from Abigail who wants to know what you will do if you do not find your mate in time or cannot convince her to return with you?

Lucian: Well, that depends on whether I've already claimed her body or not. You see, not only are we marked after we've made love, but our souls are then bonded. If she refuses to be with me, she will live her life alone, forever seeking the peace that she could have had with me.

DG: I gather this is something the Fae princess added in to the curse?

Lucian: Oh, aye. She was hurt deeply and wanted others to feel her hurt. If she refuses to return with me, I will stay with her. I have no other choice but to be with her. If I do not find my mate, then I will return to Drahcir and suffer the fate of my people.

DG: You have a very tough road ahead of you, Lucian. How long have you searched?

Lucian: Entirely too long. ::runs hand down his face:: I fear I will fail my family and Drahcir.

DG: I think your day just got brighter.

Lucian: ::eyes snap to my face:: What?

DG: Aimery paid me a visit last night. I've got a clue for you.


Be sure to return tomorrow to discover what the clue for Lucian is. Remember, to respond to the blog to be entered for this week's prize!


Cathy M said...

Thanks for asking about the tattoo, great imagery. So besides his magnificent chest, what does the rest of him look like?

Unknown said...

Oh a clue! What fun!