Tuesday, February 6

February Interview - Day Two

Morning, all. Thanks so much for the many comments and emails I received yesterday from Ahryn's interview. Ready for more? :)

DG: I have my first question from Denise. She would like to know how old your are, Ahryn.

Ahryn: ::laughs:: The Fae do not keep track of time as humans do. However, in my realm I am seven hundred years old.

DG: Amazing. How does it feel to watch time go by as you have? Do you ever regret being immortal?

Ahryn: I like seeing the changes in other realms. Your realm was much different four hundred years ago, and I suspect four hundred years from now things will change greatly again. And, nay, I do not regret being immortal. It is all I've ever know.

DG: ::reading from paper:: Here's a question from Lisa. Do you have a husband?

Ahryn: ::sighs loudly:: I know if it were up to my parents I would have been married long ago. I just haven't found the right person yet.

DG: Is there someone you have in mind?

Ahryn: Nay. I just want someone that will love me for who I am and not want to change me to who they think I should be.

DG: I think that's a universal feeling. ::smiles::

Ahryn: ::chuckles:: Aye, I'm sure it is. It's a little different for me. My family is...well, my family has ties to the royal Fae family.

DG: Ties how? Just knowing them or related to them.

Ahryn: A member of my family has always been at the king's service from the beginning of time. My grandfather is the High Chancellor, which holds great esteem and significant duties. Because of his position, my parents want to make a good match.

DG: I can understand that, though I would never have imagined they would force you to marry.

Ahryn: They cannot force me to marry, but the constant men paraded in front of me has left me no other choice but to come to your realm as often as I can. Here I can forget about the demands my parents have on me and just live.

DG: You sound as if you'd live here if you could.

Ahryn: If I found the right person, aye, I would. I hear that are some Fae who have made Earth their homes.

DG: ::licks lips and hesitates:: Yes, I do know of one Fae that lives here.

Ahryn: ::sits forward:: Who is it? I've heard whispers in the royal palace, but no one will tell me who it is. I have my suspicions though.

DG: Who do you think it is?

Ahryn: Lugus. He is the brother of our king, but something happened to him. Some say he released the Death Dragons on our realm, but others say what he did was far worse than that.

DG: ::swallows nervously:: What do you believe?

Ahryn: I don't know. If it Lugus that has made his home here, I would very much like to meet him and see for myself just what kind of man he is.


I hope you enjoyed the second day of Ahryn's interview. Remember, if you have any questions for Ahryn, you can post them here, or send them to me privately Here.

Also, to be entered into the drawing for the LoveTini set, respond to the blog as many times as you would like!


Jennifer Y. said...

Oooh...good interview! So Ahryn is interested in Lugus...hmmm.

Cathy M said...

Yeah, it does have possibilities, doesn't it?

principessa said...

This interview has me enthralled and I enjoy this special character.

Liz said...

Great interview Ahryn ilove finding out about you and the fae

Sue A. said...

Oops! Better yet I'm two days late not one and I don't have to wait for part three either. I'm off to read part three.