Wednesday, January 10

Interview - Day Three

I can't believe we're already at day 3. I'm overwhelmed at the amount of emails I've received for this interview. Thank you so very much! Of course, Cole's ego is growing by leaps and bounds, and trust me, it didn't need to grow anymore. :)

Now, on to today's interivew...

DG: Cole! ::smile slips as she looks him over:: You're all sweaty.

Cole: ::shrugs:: I was training and time got away from me. Hope you don't mind.

DG: Mind? Why would I mind? ::covertly looks over his bare torso bulging with muscles::

Cole: Hmmm. Could it be that you find me more attractive than Val?

DG: ::clears throat and shifts in chair:: All right, lets move on to the questions, shall we?

Cole: Whatever you want, my lady. ::smiles knowingly::

DG: This question is from Cherie. She would like for you to explain what the Great Evil is.

Cole: ::scowls:: The Great Evil is a power beyond any that I've ever seen. He is the epitamy of evil and more sinister a being you will never encounter. His goal is to rule all. He's methodically gone from realm to realm destroying them. He destroyed my realm, and is in the process of destroying Roderick's. He must be stopped.

DG: I know the Fae are particularly worried about the Great Evil destroying Earth.

Cole: Aye, because if this evil is allowed to destroy your realm it will destroy the Fae realm in the process. The two realms are connected.

DG: Because the Fae used to live on Earth.

Cole: Exactly. They voluntarily left your realm, but have always watched over man, helping out when they could.

DG: I for one am extremely glad to have the Fae on our side. This next question from Monica ties into our conversation. She wants to know why the Fae don't just wipe out this Great Evil.

Cole: No one wants that more than the Fae. However, they can't. There are rules that must be obeyed by all realms. The Fae can help man, but they cannot interfere.

DG: Yet, they have gathered the Shields together. That's helping.

Cole: Aye, and they've trained us and given us weapons of their realms. They keep watch over your realm, and provide us with information when available. They also shift us through time, but that's the limit to what they can do.

DG: What will happen if they break one of these rules?

Cole: There are serious consequences. What exactly, I don't know because Aimery will not speak of it. But whatever it is, is bad enough to keep the Fae from helping further.

DG: ::shudders:: And the Great Evil knows this.

Cole: And uses it to his advantage. If the Fae hadn't discovered the Chosen Ones, the Great Evil could very well have killed them all before we found them.

DG: Does anyone know how this evil is freeing the creatures?

Cole: Nay. These creatures were locked away for a reason. Freeing even one of them has serious consequences for your realm. The Shields have been lucky enough to have beaten each of these creature, but each time a new creature is released, its stronger and smarter than its predecesor.

DG: This doesn't sound good for the Shields.

Cole: We'll prevail. We always do.

DG: Well, we all sure hope you do. I like my realm and have no wish to see it destroyed.

Cole: ::leans forward his dark eyes filled with determination:: If I have any say in it, it won't be destroyed.

DG: Thank you

Cole: ::leans back, his expression smug as one corner of his mouth tilts in a smile:: My pleasure.

DG: ::licks lips:: So...what are your plans for the rest of the day?

Cole: The usual. Saving the day, wooing pretty women.

DG: One day, Cole, you're going to meet your match. I cannot wait until I see the woman who brings you to your knees.

Cole: ::flashes devilish smile:: It would have to be one special woman.

DG: ::waits until Cole leaves:: Oh, she will be.


Have more questions for Cole? Send them to me and I'll have him answer them. Remember, to be entered to win a free download of my backlist, just reply to the blog as many times as you want.

Until tomorrow...


Cathy M said...

The creatures you talk about, what do they look like? Are they in human form or totally recognizable as evil beings?

Jennifer Y. said...

Great interview!

Wouldn't mind being able to conduct one of these myself next time...LOL.

Jennifer Y. said...

I forgot which book will be Cole's...can you tell us?