Wednesday, April 18

Wednesday's Question

If you could meet one person throughout history, who would it be? George Washington, Richard the Lionheart, Jane Austen or just some normal person in a certain time period?

I'd like to meet Robin Hood, but I'd also love to meet Robert the Bruce. Its so hard to narrow it down to just one. Mary, Queen of Scots is another I wouldn't mind meeting.

So, who would you like to meet given the chance?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Well, I think it would be kind of neat to meet Cleopatra....but there are a bunch of others. It is hard to choose just one. Lately I have wanted to meet George Lucas. But not to like meet and talk with him. More of in a way so that I can hit him on the head and tell him he's stupid for going back and messing with the old Star Wars movies. He made me angry.