Monday, March 5

March Interview - Day One

Good morning, all! Ready for another week of interviews? January, et al, don't kill me, but we're not having Lugus this week. That man...well, let's just say he's harder to pin down than a gnat. I'll get him here soon though. I promise.

This week, I'm excited to bring in Lucian Sinclair. He's one of four princes who must leave his hidden, magical kingdom to seek his mate and return her to Drahcir.

So, without further ado...Lucian!

DG: Good morn, Lucian. Thank you so much for agreeing to this interview.

Lucian: Good morn, Donna. You're welcome. Please understand that I cannot stay long.

DG: Of course. Let's get started then. Tell us about Drahcir.

Lucian: ::smiles fondly:: Ah, a more beautiful place I've never seen. We're hidden in the Ben Nevis Mountains deep in the Scottish Highlands. The pass is treacherous, so it keeps people from discovering our kingdom.

DG: And how is it that your kingdom is hidden and magical?

Lucian: A relative of course. ::sighs deeply:: He set out to woo a Fae princess and make her fall in love with him. He succeeded and when she discovered he didn't return her feelings, she cursed our kingdom.

DG: If you're cursed, how is it that you think Drahcir is so wonderful?

Lucian: It hasn't been corrupted as the rest of the world. Though one Fae cursed us, the rest have looked over us. Drahcir is in the middle of frozen mountains, but with the help of Fae magic, our kingdom stays warm all year round.

DG: So, part of the curse is that your hidden. What's the other part?

Lucian: The worst part. Every generation the princes and princesses of Drahcir must leave to seek out their mates. Yet it isn't just finding out mates, it's convincing them to return to another time and place willingly.

DG: And if you don't convince them?

Lucian: Drachir ceases to exist.

DG: A heavy burden you carry.

Lucian: Aye. I worry that my three brothers have already returned and simply await me. ::smiles charmingly, his green eyes flashing:: Want to return as my mate?

DG: ::laughs:: Ah. No. Sorry, I'm already taken.

Lucian: Know anyone that wants to be a princess of a magical, hidden kingdom?

DG: Oh, I'm sure we can find you someone. ::smiles::


Come back tomorrow and see what questions were sent in and just what Lucian will say next. :)

The prize this week is a beautiful Celtic book thong along with some signed promo. To be entered into the contest, reply to this blog. And don't forget to send me your questions for Lucian. :)


principessa said...

Loved this entertaining and interesting interview. The land sounds enchanting and lovely.

Cathy M said...

And there are four of them, you say? How wonderful.

Donna Grant said...

Hi, ladies!

Yep, four of them Cathy. :D

Dani Harper, Author said...

Wow! What a brilliant promotional idea -- interviewing a character! It really piqued my interest in the book and the series. Way to go!

Dani Harper

Unknown said...

Cool interview! Sorry I haven't been around much lately...haven't felt too well!


Jeanette J said...

I love the name Lucian..sounds like a great guy