Monday, February 5

February Interview - Day One

Welcome, everyone!

Thanks so much for stopping by. Over the past several months, I've brought in a character from my books to interview. The response has been overwhelming, which I greatly appreciate.

This month, however, I've a little surprise for you. I had a visitor last week, and when they discovered what I had planned for this week, well...they were insistent on coming.

From all the emails I've received, the requests for Val, Gabriel and even Aimery have been filling my inbox. But there was one hero that continued to get the most votes. Lugus.

I wish I could say he'll be joining us today, but he isn't. Yet, I have someone even better. Ahryn (pronounced: ER-in). She's a Fae visiting our world for a bit, and since she's here, I thought I'd interview her.

So, without further ado...

DG: Good morning, Ahryn.

Ahryn: ::glides into room and sits:: Good morn, Donna. I truly appreciate you having me this week. I've heard Aimery speak of these interviews you've been doing and I just had to come see what the Shields were speaking of.

DG: ::laughs:: You have a curious nature.

Ahryn: I do, which gets me into more trouble than I like to admit. Actually, I'm not supposed to be on your realm at all. Yet, I cannot stay away. The wonders of your realm are great.

DG: I'm not sure I understand. The Realm of the Fae has magic and dragons and untold beauty.

Ahryn: Very true. Yet, for all the magic, mystery and beauty, your realm holds such innocence and hope. Your realm is so young, and your people have such hope and love that its difficult to stay away. Besides, I have a love of finding new things to take back and show my friends.

DG: I find that amazing, Ahryn. Really. You can move to other realms, yet you come here. Is there any danger for you here?

Ahryn: There is always danger when a Fae leaves their realm. However, of all the realms, Earth affords us the least danger. Mayhap its because we once lived here. Whatever the reason, it will take something very drastic for me to stop visiting.

DG: Most people who know nothing of the Fae do not realize what kind of affect you have on humans.

Ahryn: ::smiles and pushes aside her long, flaxen locks:: Ah, the Fae's ability to cause anyone to be overcome with...need...shall we say? 'Tis true that if the Fae show themselves to a human, that human will be attracted to us. It is one reason we always cloak ourselves when we visit. The few times I do reveal myself, I always do so in a manner that I look human and not Fae.

DG: That sounds very smart, Ahryn. You never know what manner of man you will encounter. The Fae's beauty is indescribable, and I know many men would do almost anything to capture a beauty such as yourself.

Ahryn: You're very kind, but I am not without powers. Any human man who tries to capture me will find himself turned into a toad.

DG: ::laughs:: I'd love to see that.


Tune into tomorrow for a continuation of this interview! Also, to be entered in this weeks contest, just respond to the blog - as many times as you'd like. The prize is a LoveTini set just in time for Valentine's Day. It comes with a Raspberry Cosmo and Cranberry Cosmo Love Potion drink mixes in heart-shaped bottles with a red shaker. Just the thing to start a perfect Valentine's night - or any night actually. :)

Also, for those of you who like to send in questions for our guests, please send them Here.


Cathy M said...

Well, this was fun. Will definitely check back to learn more about Ahryn and her world.
Plus, you picked great gifts, Donna.

Jennifer Y. said...

Fun interview! Look forward to more!

Unknown said...

Lovely interview, as usual! I'm also glad I didn't have to harass you about that e-mail! ;)

Donna Grant said...

:) Thanks Cathie!

Donna Grant said...

lmao. Don't fret, January. I will get Lugus here eventually. :)

Donna Grant said...

:) I would never make you wait, Robyn. ::bats eyelashes innocently::

Donna Grant said...

Thanks Jennifer, Joelle, Alissa, Pearl, Ellie, Tehya, and Cherie. So glad you're enjoying it. :)

Sue A. said...

The one good thing about finding this post a day late is that I don't have to wait for part two. I'm off to read part two.