Thursday, February 22

Day from Hell

Sorry for not posting yesterday. My new 2 month old computer decided to crash yesterday. In order for me to be able to use it, I had to do a complete system recovery.

The worst part? I hadn't backed up anything. I know better, too. So, I lost two books I was working on. One that I was just 30 pages from finishing. The books can be replaced, but the files I had for each of my children can't. I had started these files when I became pregnant with them to document important times in their lives in case something ever happened to me. Things that my husband was likely to forget.

They're gone.

And because I had typed everything up, I let myself lose those memories. Its very disheartening and frustrating.

However, I've got the computer going again and reworking all my graphics, music files I used for the book teasers, photos for the book teasers, and books. Thankfully, all the photos from my camera I store at If I'd lost all those pictures as well, well...I'm just glad I didn't.

So, boys and girls, learn a lesson here. Back up everything. Twice. You never know what your computer will do.


Kelly Boyce said...

There must be something in the air - my friend just had the same thing happen!

Anonymous said...

Sooo, like my computer just crashed like a week or so ago. Had to bring it to PNX to get it fixed. Its up and running, which is good, but some stuff still isn't quite working properly. Its a bad time for computers... As I type this I'm working on saving all of my pictures and stuff. I would have cried if I couldn't have gotten my pictures back!

Donna Grant said...

I feel for your friend, Kelly. Hope she was able to recover everything.

Donna Grant said...

Yes, save everything, Robyn! You certainly don't want to lose those. You might want to think of storing them on

Loretta said...

So sorry that you lost the files for your children. Did you find out what caused your computer to crash.

Donna Grant said...

Thanks, Foxy! No, never found out why. :(