Monday, January 8

Interview - Day One

Welcome to another interview week. The prize this week is winner's choice of one free download of one of my books.

The rules?

They're simple. Just reply to the blog to be entered. You can reply as many times as you want, and the interviewees love to get questions. :)

Now, on to the interview!


DG: Good morning, Cole. Thank you so much for being here.

Cole: ::flashes devilish smile:: And good morn to you, beautiful. After hearing what a great time Hugh and Roderick had, I was most willing to come chat with you.

DG: ::laughs:: You're such a flirt.

Cole: One must find comfort where one can, especially in my line of work.

DG: Speaking of work, tell us about your role in the Shields.

Cole: My role is much like everyone else's. Though we are five different men, we work as one. We are bonded in a way most people will never know. We know each others moves before we make them, which is why we have been able to defeat so many of the vile creatures.

DG: Yes, and we're all most thankful for that. Each of the Shields brings an interesting dynamic to the group. Hugh is a natural born leader and Roderick is immortal. What do you bring?

Cole: ::winks & smiles:: My wit and charm. Seriously though. I think being raised by the Fae had a lot to do with it. Though I am immortal, I don't remember anything of my realm. I'm not even sure how I arrived at the Fae doorway before my realm was destroyed.

DG: I can see how being raised by the Fae could impact your life. They live a different way than most. I think it must be their magic.

Cole: I think it is. Their realm is not only serene in its beauty, but its peaceful and you can feel the magic in every breath you take.

DG: Its a place I would love to see one day.

Cole: Ask Aimery. He may just take you.

DG: ::clears throat:: Your weapon of choice was the war axe. Why?

Cole: Besides being big and intimidating? ::laughs:: I have several axes with me at all times from small single blades that I keep at my waist much like the other Shields keep their daggers. Then I have other larger axes. My favorite is my double-headed war ax.

DG: Impressive. I've seen you train with those weapons. They look big and bulky, but you wield them like they were an extension of you.

Cole: Aye. That's pretty much how the Fae determined which weapons were for us. We were all trained on every weapon, but each of us has one that we excel with.

DG: And we're all very thankful for that. ::smiles:: That's it for today, Cole. I'll see you tomorrow.

Cole: ::leans over and kisses Donna's hand:: Until tomorrow.

Whew! ::wipes forehead with the back of her hand:: Cole is what most people call a womanizer, and let me tell you something girls, he's not only handsome but could charm the pants off a nun.

Ok. Don't forget to send any questions you have for Cole either here or email me. And remember, to be entered into the contest, reply to the blog!


Jennifer Y. said...

Great interview! I love a charmer!!

Cathy M said...

What a great introduction to Cole, can't wait to read more about him.