Character Interview - Gregor - Day Three
DG: ::smiles as Gregor enters room:: Sorry for the rain. Its been raining for over two weeks.
Gregor: ::shakes off the rain and sits:: Don't worry about it. Scotland's weather is much worse than this.
DG: The questions came pouring in yesterday after our interview. I really don't think I'll get through them all. ::shuffles paper around::
Gregor: ::Leans back in chair as he stretches legs out and crosses them at the ankles:: Start whenever you like, lass.
DG: ::chuckles:: All right. The first question is from Daisy who'd like to know if you ever visited your family after your banishment?
Gregor: ::shakes his head:: Not once. Being banished means that I can never return. If I do somehow go daft and return, I'll be killed on sight.
DG: That's rather harsh.
Gregor: We Scots are harsh, but it has allowed us to survive when lesser men wouldn't have.
DG: Can't argue there. Next question. This is from Selina who asks how you felt when the Fae and Moira asked you to go retrieve Fiona and bring her back to the Druid's Glen.
Gregor: They offered coin, so I wasn't about to refuse. I was a little confused, especially since if I was in Conall's place, or even Frang's, the Druid High Priest, I'd have rather cut off my arm than ask me to get Fiona. I still don't understand why someone else couldn't do it.
DG: But you are going to get her?
Gregor: Aye. I gave my word I would. I never break a vow.
DG: Fair enough. Are you looking forward to finding Fiona?
Gregor: I don't care one way or another. My mission is to get her and bring her safely back to the Glen. She's been with the same clan since her parent's were murdered, so I'm not going to have a hard time finding her.
DG: Which means that MacNeil, may the evil bastard rot in Hell, won't either.
Gregor: And in that instance, I was the right choice to get Fiona. Not many men would be able to keep her safe. I'm not saying that to be conceited. Its just a simple fact that I was blessed with my abilities, and I use them to my full advantage.
DG: Well, I'm thankful for that. Last question for the day. Rita wishes to know why men like you so often say they will never find love?
Gregor: ::laughs but it doesn't reach his eyes:: I may be fighting on the side of right now, but that doesn't excuse the killings before. Men like me aren't worthy of love.
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I'll draw a winner on Friday. As always, I love getting questions from you for the interview
Great answers Gregor. :)
Glad you liked them, Crystal!
You always perk up my day with this unique interview.
Gregor is a special kinda guy ;o)
Thanks for the interview update Donna.
awww. Thanks, Pearl. Now you've made my day. :)
You're welcome, Rita. :)
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