Wednesday, March 28

Question Wednesday

As readers, most of us have very specific things we like to see in a book. I know for me, the book has to have a Happily Ever After or I'm not satisfied at all.

Do you need a HEA or is a happy ending good enough?


AC said...

I don't need a Happily Ever After. Being a realist and maybe too practical, a happy ending is good enough for me. I'll acccept even not-so-happy endings as long as there is some sort of resolution. Stories without resolutions drive me nuts. I need closure, as defined by the author.

Donna Grant said...

I agree about the closure, Wyneth. I've read some stories where there wasn't closure/resolutions and it drove me nuts. :)

Sandra said...

Regardless of how a story ends, a book needs to give me a happy feeling or at least in the case of a cliffhanger, make me want to get the next book. At the end of a book, I want to feel satisifed that the author told me as much of the story as he/she possibly could.

I really get bummed when I come to the last page, realize that the story is over and want it to still go on. Those stories I love. Then I'm like in a whiny voice, "Man I want to read more. This book was awesome."

Donna Grant said...

That's true, Sandra. If a book is part of a series, I don't mind some sort of cliffhanger to make me want to read the next one, but in that book, I must have the conflicts between the h/h resolved and know that they'll be happy or I'm not happy. :)