Tuesday, March 6

March Interview - Day Two

I received a ton of emails yesterday listing questions from readers. I'll get to as many as I can over the week. :)

DG: ::shifting through paper:: I've got so many questions from readers here that I don't know where to start.

Lucian: A 'Good morn, Lucian' would be great.

DG: ::glances up to see Lucian grinning at her:: Oh, you rouge! ::laughs:: yes, Lucian. Good morn.

Lucian: And a good morn to you as well, my lady. ::settles back in chair and folds hands together at his waist:: Now, what question shall we start with?

DG: This is from Cynthia. She would like to know what happens if you bring the wrong woman back to Drahcir?

Lucian: ::takes a deep breath as smile slips from his face:: The same thing if I don't bring my mate back. Drahcir will cease to exist. The Fae princess that cursed my family wanted us to know what it felt like to never truly find love. She never expected us to succeed.

DG: I have to admit, Lucian, that it is rather odd that you have succeeded. Your mates are never in Drahcir. You have to leave to seek them out in a world that is much bigger each time one of your family visits it.

Lucian: Don't forget that time travels differently in Drahcir as well. What is one month in my kingdom could well be a year in your world.

DG: You don't know how fast or slow it travels?

Lucian: Nay.

DG: ::shakes head:: You have so much going against you. The odds in favor of you discovering your mate are next to none, Lucian. This next question from Debbie ties in to this discussion. She wants to know how you know where to look for your mate?

Lucian: We have some help from the Fae. Our mates aren't always in the time period we arrive in when we leave Drahcir. Sometimes they're farther in the past or much farther in the future. The Fae has aided us in shifting through time, but once we're there, its up to us to convince our mates we aren't daft.

DG: I bet I know who the Fae is that is aiding you.

Lucian: ::brow furrows as he tilts his head to the side:: And who might you think it is?

DG: None other than Aimery. ::looks at next question:: All right. The next question is from Lisa. She would like to know how you know you've found your mate?

Lucian: Once we've shared our bodies, there is a mark, a...what do you call it? Oh, a tattoo that will show from our shoulder to our elbow.

DG: It will show on both of you?

Lucian: Aye. Its a very distinct design of Drahcir, one that's unmistakable.

DG: So, it just appears?

Lucian: Nay. Its always there, its just that once we make love, it makes it show itself, to help our mates realize just who they are.

DG: Interesting. Very interesting.


All right, y'all know the drill. Post to the blog to be entered into this weeks contest. And keep those questions coming. :)

See you tomorrow for another great interview!


Dani Harper, Author said...

Wow! What a brilliant promotional idea -- interviewing a character! It really piqued my interest in the book and the series. Way to go!

Dani Harper

Donna Grant said...

lol. January, sweetie, I promise to send you an email just as soon as I know Lugus will sit down for the interview. He doesn't believe me when I tell him how interested readers are in him.

Of course, it could have something to do with that 'destory' the world thing he did. :S

Donna Grant said...

Hi, Dani!

Thanks for dropping by, doll. Thanks!

Unknown said...

I love these interviews! Keep them coming Donna!

Cathy M said...

I like the idea of the tattoo, though I was wondering just what the tattoo looked like.